Matthew Chadourne
Executive Producer/Creative Director
Matthew Chadourne is an American who has been performing stand-up in the UK and US for a while now. He is the creator/producer of QED Comedy Lab running shows and festivals in Oxford.
Sarah Mann
Technical Manager
BBC New Comedy Award 2018 finalist, Runner up in 2017's So You Think You're Funny? competition, Funny Women Regional Finalist and Leicester Square New Comedian Semi-finalist. Sarah is a regular on the Oxford comedy scene and producer of QED Comedy Lab's shows.
Anna Dominey
Diversity and Inclusion Manager
Anna took her first steps in stand up right here in Oxford: her first ever gig took place in the student bar at Worcester College. Since then, she has competed in a handful of national competitions, reaching the semi-finals as her alter ego, Iona Fortune. She found that her social media addiction turned out to be quite useful for promoting shows and got involved with spreading the word about the festival last year. She couldn’t get enough of the emotional roller coaster so she’s back for more!